Today is my last day at my internship! I had such good experiences at Secret Road and am going to miss it! I learned about music placement in film and TV and heard great music from awesome artists like Ingrid Michaelson, Meiko, Andy Grammer, Brett Dennen, and Civil Wars. Off to more and new adventures in the music industry…
Parshas Vaetchanan
In this parsha we have one of the most basic pesukim in the whole torah (we say it in aleinu) “You should know today and you shall return it to your heart, that in the heavens above and the earth below there is nothing but Gd.” This verse shows the concept of the unity of Gd. It shows us how Gd wants us to LIVE with this thought. It starts in the intellect but shouldnt stay there but rather comes down into your heart and affects your emotions.
There is a story about Chasidm farbrenging and they had this discussion…each chasid had his own interpretation for what the verse meant
1. “You should KNOW today”. this emphasizes and the clarity just like how you have the clarity that it is day right now.
“That YOU should know.” He stressed that it was you and not about someone else knowing, its about how you internalize it.
“You should know TODAY” and not tomorrow- if you want to start something you should start today and not push it off till tomorrow.
We need and can learn from all these of these chasidim. In order to actually internalize something and take it from intellect and into our hearts, we need these 3 steps. One we need clarity and have it clear as day. Then we need to internalize this clarity and break it down and understand it and work it out- which will ultimately bring us to the third which is the present and action upon our knowledge.
once we can do that, we can fulfill our ultimate goal in spreading kedusha throughout the whole world.
Have a beautiful Shabbos and weekend =)
—dvar from Rabbi Meir Levinger on ‘Mayanot moment’
Parshas Vaetchanan
In this parsha we have one of the most basic pesukim in the whole torah (we say it in aleinu) “You should know today and you shall return it to your heart, that in the heavens above and the earth below there is nothing but Gd.” This verse shows the concept of the unity of Gd. It shows us how Gd wants us to LIVE with this thought. It starts in the intellect but shouldnt stay there but rather comes down into your heart and affects your emotions.
There is a story about Chasidm farbrenging and they had this discussion…each chasid had his own interpretation for what the verse meant
1. “You should KNOW today”. this emphasizes and the clarity just like how you have the clarity that it is day right now.
“That YOU should know.” He stressed that it was you and not about someone else knowing, its about how you internalize it.
“You should know TODAY” and not tomorrow- if you want to start something you should start today and not push it off till tomorrow.
We need and can learn from all these of these chasidim. In order to actually internalize something and take it from intellect and into our hearts, we need these 3 steps. One we need clarity and have it clear as day. Then we need to internalize this clarity and break it down and understand it and work it out- which will ultimately bring us to the third which is the present and action upon our knowledge.
once we can do that, we can fulfill our ultimate goal in spreading kedusha throughout the whole world.
Have a beautiful Shabbos and weekend =)
—dvar from Rabbi Meir Levinger on ‘Mayanot moment’
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