Last night I saw a screening for Robin Garbose's newest film "The Heart that Sings". It was brought by the production company Kol Neshama which is a company Robin is pioneering. It is a film just for women (sorry all you hipster Chasidim out there...) and has only girls and women actors.
The story line is based on a short story and expounded upon to make a full length musical film. It is of a young girl who came to America in the 1950's after the war who is hired as a music and drama counselor at a girls summer camp. Her depth and Hungarian culture is at first not accepted by her young campers, but the story unfolds to reveal close relationships and lasting bonds. The plot is heartwarming and the script was really well written. It contained a lot of deep meanings and was rooted in yiddishkeit. The acting was great and the cast consisted of mostly young girls and was actually shot in a summer camp type of setting.
The music was beautifully scored by Richard Friedman. He really captured the emotions in the scenes from the sadness in the beginning to the comical and energetic beats in the middle. He infused a lot of the music with Jewish style which I still have yet to master so I thought it was very impressive. All the songs were written by Levi Garbose and were equally as inspiring. He wrote a lullaby style song that was moving and infused them with lyrics praising Hashem so the whole song was filled with so much kedusha you could feel it was coming from a high place. I really loved the music throughout the whole film and now have songs and melodies playing in my head from it.
The whole production and missions statement is incredibly inspiring and something I strive to be apart of. I have been thinking that I want to be part of a team that revolutionizes Jewish films. I want to score beautiful songs that help to spread kedusha and have a deeper purpose. I love watching all films (especially with great scores) but there is something especially holy about taking something that could be used either to be elevated or as a kelipah and making the solid decision to use it to make a dwelling place for Hashem here. This production as well as her other one has been so inspiring to watch and speak to her about. I hope only much brachas for this company and Hashem should bless it so it can grow and grow and continue to inspire and entertain women and girls everywhere.
For a trailer of the film...
Not fair not fair not faiiiir!!!